Iris Camaa - No Need for Words

Iris Camaa - No Need for Words


3:38 mins
Some people say that she is like a ray of sunshine that brightens up the music and lights up the stage…


unconventional songs bear her unmistakable signature: a combination of complexity, lightness and rhythmic sophistication. The lyrics speak of daily madness, gender warfare, deep emotions and spiritual experiences. Like a spiritual embrace - touching, moving and remaining
with herself - Iris Camaa casts a spell over the audience with her luminous personality.

IRIS CAMAA is award winner for „Best Soul/R&B“ album „IRISISTIBLE“ in Los Angeles that has a clear tendency to funk, soul and hip hop. The tunes are aimed at groovy with a touch retro inspired by her former hip hop influences as a dancer. The collaboration, w Grammy winners Justin Stanton and Mark Lettieri (both Snarky Puppy) and Raper J.R. Robinson make it even more unique.
'No Need for Words' was also part of the album ""IRISISTIBLE"".

The emotional performer, bursting with life energy, has been on tour in the scene for years with greats like Tangerine Dream, Brian May (Queen), Jose Feliciano, Justin Stanton (Snarky Puppy), James Burton (Elvis Presley), Sweet Inspirations, The Elvis Imperials, J.R. Robinson, Glen D. Harding, Enrique Pla, Kelli Sae, Hubert Tubbs, Brandenburger Symphonie Orchester, Maya Hakvoort, Eric Papilaya, Joni Madden...

video by camaa visions, edited by Mark Jebelean Official video of Iris Camaa´s song ""No need for words""
Iris Camaa (vox and backings, composing, lyrics, percussion), Mark Lettieri (guitar), Justin Stanton (keys), Devin Collins (drums), Bryan Ladd (bass), Ingrid and Manuela Diem (backings)

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1Iris Camaa - No Need for Words3:38