Crawling Spider, Vol. 1: The LA Sessions (A Tribute to Mike Montgomery)

Crawling Spider, Vol. 1: The LA Sessions (A Tribute to Mike Montgomery)

Crawling Spider

19 Tracks
74:59 mins
2Rock & Roll Junkie4:04
3Rock & Roll Junkie4:04
4It's a Long Way Down to the Top5:03
5Pale Fire4:06
6Pale Fire4:05
799 Days0:00
899 Days3:53
9Stealing My Way4:12
10Jason Blue (Live 2019)4:19
11All the Girls Are Crazy3:55
12You'll Never Take Me Alive (Demo) [Bonus Track]3:32
13King of the Mountain (Demo) [Bonus Track]2:57
14Porcelain Figurine (Demo) [Bonus Track]2:55
15You Put the Magic (Demo) [Bonus Track]3:25
16Sidekick to the Stars (Demo) [Bonus Track]2:57
17Just a Son of America3:27
18Can't Be so Bad (Demo) [Bonus Track]2:44
1999 Days - Behind The Scenes - Studio Footage11:04
Seems a little quiet over here
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